Server confiuration statements

Here is an example of the server configuration statements, with each statement taking on the value it defaults to:

port 80
servername hostname
indexfile index.html
maintainer webmaster@servername
hoursoff 8
deftype text/plain
accesslog t:http
messagelog t:http_errors
The TCP port to accpet connections on. The default is 80, which is the standard for http connections.
The name that to use in redirections and error reports. The default is the host name. Use this if you want peope to use something other than the hostname to refer to the server; for instance, if AWS is running on but you want people to connect to
The file name to use when a request is made for a directory. For instance, if someone tries to get /mystuff/dir1/ AWS will give them the same file as if they had asked for /mystuff/dir1/index.html by default. This will be true for all directories.
The name used in server error reports sent to clients. The default is webmaster at the value of servername.
The number of hours to be added to the system clock to get to GMT. The HTTP RFC requires that dates be sent in GMT. AmigaDOS does not have the concept of a time zone, so most Amigas are running on local time. The default is 0. For Pacific Standard Time, set it to 8.
The default type for files. If a file has an extension which is not covered by one of the type commands, or has no extensions, it is reported as having this type. The default is text/plain.
The file where requests and their results are logged.
The file where errors - from requests, or internal server errors - are logged.

Mike Meyer